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October 9, 2003

[Quartermaine Mansion]
(Dillon is lying on the couch watching an old movie and he pictures him and Georgie in the leads)
Georgie: (Southern accent) I came as fast as I could. Figured you might need me.
Dillon: (Southern accent) Oh yeah that's rich (takes hat off) seeing as you're the reason I'm here in the first place.
Georgie: Say you don't mean it, Billy
Dillon: I can't do that, Kit...I live by my word and my word is my life. Besides, shouldn't you be out looking for your next sap?
Georgie: I get where you're going and why. This place is crawling with cops. They're listening right?
Dillon: Oh, let them. Ain't nothing you can say right now that I want to hear.
Georgie: How about I know where the money is? Just as soon as you get sprung...
Dillon: Sprung? Ain't you heard the news doll? (Stands up) Only place I'm going in a cold, dark cell called lock up with no chance of parole. (Walks over to her) It's all thanks to that loose pair of lips you're wearing.
Georgie: That's not true, Billy.
Dillon: It's as true as those gorgeous eyes of yours are brown. You sold me down the river, Kit.
Georgie: I didn't think it would go this way. I'm sorry.
Dillon: Sorry is for kids who spill their mild, not guys and dolls like us...
Georgie: But you said you loved me
Dillon: Ah, that went out the window when you sold me out. Loving you was a mistake, but trusting going to put me behind bars.
Georgie: It's going to be ok. It's just got to!
Dillon: I can't go where they're going to send me, Kit. I got to be free. I gotta be free to do what I want to pal around, to make a score (takes hat off) let a pretty girl hang on my arm. I got to be free to do things like this. (Kisses her)
Georgie: What was that for?
Dillon: The history books, doll. So you know what you tossed out like yesterday's eggs.
Georgie: Well, I'll fix it Billy, I swear! I'll talk to anyone who'll listen. I'll get you a fancy New York lawyer and I'll leave him your name.
Dillon: Leave whatever you want, but just leave.
(Back to the present...Georgie walks into the doorway)
Georgie: Dillon?
(Dillon sits up and turns off the TV, avoiding eye contact)
Dillon: What are you doing here?
Georgie: (Walking in) I came as fast as I could, I figured you might need me.
Dillon: (Southern accent Oh, yeah, that's ri...(normal voice) that's funny, seeing as your the reason I'm here in the first place.

Georgie: That was dramatic. Is being grounded really so bad?
Dillon: Well, I'm cut off from my DVD collection and at the mercy of cable programmers. If I don't create my own drama I won't get my fix.
Georgie: Look, I know what I did was wrong, but...
Dillon: Oh, you think?
Georgie: But it wasn't exactly planned. I guess I was feeling a little guilty going to the concert using drug money.
Dillon: (Stands up) Georgie, you have no clue that Alcazar's even has anything to do with drugs.
Georgie: His brother kidnapped me. I know he's being really nice to you...
Dillon: Yeah, and at least he hasn't betrayed me, either.
Georgie: Neither have I
Dillon: Oh? You told my brother that I was working for him.
Georgie: I was worried about you and it was a mistake. But, you know, it's not like you haven't made any.
Dillon: I know. I know that, OK? You know, Faith kisses me, you see, you get hurt, so I went to Alcazar and I sold him some information so that I could get money to pay for the concert tickets. But I did that for you.
Georgie: And it was very sweet. But do you know what would make me really happy? Is if you stopped hanging out with criminals.
Dillon: Oh, yeah, you know, cause, like, Alcazar's my bowling buddy.
Georgie: I didn't come here to fight, Dillon. I thought (reaches into her bag and pulls out a CD) since we couldn't go to the concert, we'd bring Crow Dog to us. (Shows him the CD) It's their last live CD. I figured we could sit down and listen to it and hold up lighters, you know, like the sixties festival...the one before Lollapalooza...
Dillon: I'll pass. (Sits on couch and turns the TV back on)
Georgie: (Sits on the couch) I was really worried about you Dillon, and I can't be sorry for caring.
Dillon: Look, this movie is on classic film channel, which means that I pause it and I really want to see the ending so if you could just...
Georgie: I could watch it with you.
Dillon: I really, really would rather be alone right now.
(Georgie stands up and runs out)
Dillon: (Gets up and starts to run after her) Geor...

(Dillon's watching a movie and Edward walks in)
Edward: Is that the most constructive thing you can find to do after school?
Dillon: AJ fired me from ELQ or don't you remember?
Edward: Hmm. (Recognizes movie) Hey. Hey, hey, that movie...that's "Painted Memories". Lila and I saw that on our first date.
Dillon: It's pretty good.
Edward: It's better than that. Better than that. She cried right on my shoulder. She loves a happy ending.
Dillon: Yeah. (Stands up and turns off the TV) Only in the movies, right?
Edward: Hardly. I have given Lila more than her share of heartache, but we're still together.
Dillon: Yeah, that's because you can trust grandmother (tosses remote on the couch)
Edward: You know, Dillon, I didn't expect to find you in here. I thought that maybe you''d ignore the rules and split out somewhere.
Dillon: (Looks at the door then back to Edward) I got nowhere worth being.
Edward: Did you have a fight with that Jones girl?
Dillon: (Laughs) Yeah, yeah, like I"m going to talk to you about my personal life.
Edward: Why not? Listen, young man when it comes to being wounded by someone you love, I'm the expert.

(Georgie's sitting at at table with Maxie)
Georgie: I never knew being in love could be so much work.
Maxie: Look, Dillon's just being a guy, Georgie. His ego's bruised.

[Quartermaine Mansion]
Dillon: Why doesn't she just broadcast my business over the net?

Georgie: I should've said something on my own, but not in front of his brother.

[Quartermaine Mansion]
Dillon: I mean, yeah, I know she didn't mean it that way but I feel betrayed
Edward: Then find someone else.
Dillon: I don't want anyone else
Edward: You really think you love Georgie?

Georgie: I love him with every breath.

[Quartermaine Mansion]
Dillon: I do love Georgie.

Maxie: Then fight for him, Georgie

[Quartermaine Mansion]
Edward: And don't give up.

Maxie: But if you're expecting it to be easy...

[Quartermaine Mansion]
Edward: You're going to be as old as that movie before you get her back, and even then you might end up alone.

Georgie: Dillon said we had this really great beginning once and I'm not ready for it to end.
Maxie: Then forget talking and figure out a way to show Dillon that you're not going to give up.

[Quartermaine Mansion]
(Dillon's just about to call Georgie but stops when he hears the song he sang to Georgie at Kelly's)
Singer: "Bluebirds float through the sky, baby. I see (Dillon gets up and walks around the desk and sees Georgie holding the boombox over her head looking ready to cry) a perfect picture of you"
Singers: "Picture of you"
Singer: "Butterflies on a breeze blowing high baby. I see a perfect picture"
Dillon: (Starting to walk toward her) "Say Anything" Cameron Crow
(Georgie lowers the boombox)
Georgie: Look, you said we had this really great beginning and I'm not ready for us to end.
(Dillon takes the boombox)
Dillon: We won't. (Sets boombox on the table) Not ever. (Kisses her)