10, 2003
(Georgie's following Mac down the stairs and into the main part of the
police station)
Georgie: Why is this taking so long? You're
the police commissioner, you've got an entire army of cops ready to
do whatever you want, whenever you want, and they've been out there
this entire time searching for Dillon and there's still no word.
Mac: We're doing everything we can to find
Georgie: Yeah it doesn't look like much
from here.
Mac: Look, it would be great if we had
a crystal ball we cold chant over so we can get the answers we need.
But that's not how crimes are solved. Look, it takes legwork, going
door-to-door issuing an APB, all of which we're doing. (Turns to face
Georgie) I just hope, at the end of the day, Dillon's involvement with
Faith is innocent.
Georgie: My God, dad. She took him at gunpoint.
If Faith shoots Dillon will you be convinced that maybe, just maybe,
Dillon could've been an all right guy?
[Motel Room]
(Dillon's tied to a chair by the window. Faith starts waking up dressed
in some slutty lingerie)
Faith: Enjoying the view? (Dillon doesn't
respond) Sleep well?
Dillon: (jerks his tied wrists) What do
you think?
Faith: Ah poor baby. I know it's hard (gets
off bed) to go beddy-byes when you're all tied up in a chair, but, you
see (walks over by him and leans against the wall) I had no choice.
I couldn't have you trying to run off during the night now could I?
I need you.
Dillon: Yeah...would you mind telling me
why? You haven't exactly been a font of information lately.
(Faith walks behind Dillon)
Faith: Well, see, that is simple. (Puts
her hands on his shoulders) Whenever somebody (runs her hands up and
down his chest) so much as sneezes in this town I get blamed for it,
see, so it's just a matter of time before the DA is looking at me for
Elizabeth Webber's hit-and-run, nevermind the fact that I didn't do
Dillon: Ok. So tell the guy that you're
Faith: Hmm (looks out the window)
refreshing. (Walks over to the window and sits on the edge looking at
Dillon) I actually don't run across that very often. They won't believe
me, OK? And I am not going to go to jail, so I need an alibi (runs her
foot on Dillon's knee), and that would be you.
Dillon: Sorry. No way in hell I'm going
to lie for you. I'm not going to do it.
Faith: (Moves her foot further over and
down) Don't be so sure.
Andy: Mac, we got a line on Faith.
Mac: (stands up) Is Dillon with her?
Georgie: (stands up) Is he all right?
Andy: They were both seen going into the
Fairview Motel on Route 7. Nobody appeared to be hurt. That's it so
far. We're about to take a ride down there.
Mac: Wait up. I'm going with you.
Georgie: Me too.
Mac: No, not you.
Georgie: But, dad...
Mac: But nothing, Georgie. This is a police
matter. We don't know...we could be walking into something dangerous.
You stay right here until we get back. (Leaves) Let's go.
(Georgie gives a look like, "yeah right" and then follows
[Motel Room]
(Faith is still "seducing" Dillon)
Faith: All those things that you were fantasizing
about as you were watching me sleep (straddles his legs facing him)
we are going to make the world think that they're really happening.
Dillon: You have got to be kidding me.
Faith: (Running her fingers through his
hair) Hmm. No. Haven't you ever heard of a May-December romance?
Dillon: Yeah you mean like in the movies
with those old guys and the really young chicks, except this time, very
much reversed.
(Faith's running her hands up and down Dillon's chest)
Faith: "Very much"? (Pulls his
hair)'re still on my good side. (Lets go of his hair)
Dillon: Well, it's not going to work anyway
because that story is never going to fly. Nobody's going to believe
it, including Georgie, including anybody whose ever even met us remotely,
and also her father who is, by the way, the police commissioner in case
you seemed to have forgotten in all of this mess.
Faith: (Puts her arms on his shoulders)
I haven't forgotten. You're little girlfriend with the boy's name might
not want to believe it at first (kisses his neck) but she will. Oh,
don't kid yourself. And Mac won't doubt it for a second because, you
see, I (moves closer to his face) am a walking, (whispering) breathing,
adolescent fantasy. Just wait and see how your stock goes up once word
of this get out.
Dillon: You know what? Georgie and I have
something. We have something very special together. Something based
on friendship and... (Faith's hand goes lower) and trust.
Faith: I understand more than I ever needed
to about good, special girls. The type men think they want until they've
taken a walk on the wild side and have their worlds rocked, til they
see what it's like to be with a real woman, hmm? Someone who
lets them be who they really are. (Kisses the side of his head) Huh.
I bet if your sweet little Georgie saw the real Dillon scare her little
bloomers right off.
Dillon: Oh come on. You know what? You
don't know a thing about either one of us. How do you like that?
Faith: Really? Well I know this...I am
not going to jail for running down that waitress, so you can
just get ready to put on the performance of your life.
Dillon: I won't do it. (Looks away)
Faith: (Uses her finger to turn his face
back to look at her) Yes, you will. See then otherwise your sweet, innocent,
trusting little Georgie won't live long enough to lose her virginity.
(Kisses his ear)
now sitting on the bed, across from Dillon, filing her nails)
Dillon: Fine. I'll do what you want.
Faith: Hmm. I knew you'd see it my way.
Don't worry...I'll try not to hurt you. (Stands up and goes over to
the top of the bed)
Dillon: Wait a're not actually
planning on making me sleep with you are you?
(Faith starts messing up the bed)
Faith: Why rule anything out?
Dillon: No. No way. No.
Faith: Time will tell.
Dillon: So what happens now?
Faith: (Stops messing with the sheets)
Well, (walks over to Dillon) the cops are out looking for us as we speak.
Pretty soon, they will find my car since I left it in front of the motel
in plain sight. When they do, they will barge in and we will confess
that we've been meeting here for months on a regular basis. (Dillon
sighs) Yeah. Going at it whenever we could. Now, you will tell
Georgie that you kept it from her to, you know, save her feelings. And
while you're at it you may as well throw in that little speech about
love having nothing to do with sex, since its true. You with me so far?
Dillon: I'm listening.
Faith: Don't get any ideas. (Starts untying
the scarves holding his wrists down) Now due to our prior relationship
you came to the hospital to warn me (starts untying the other scarf)
that the cops were looking at me for Elizabeth's (Dillon's now free)
hit-and-run...ahem, ahem, ahem...and that's when we decided to
take off together.
Dillon: That makes absolutely no sense.
Why wouldn't I just give you the heads up and then go on with my life?
(Faith hides the scarves under a pillow)
Faith: I can't think of everything. Figure
something out.
(Pounding at the door)
Mac: Faith Rosco. It's the police. Open
Faith: (Walks over to Dillon, helps him
up and walks over to the door) Move fast, be're on.
Mac: Open up!
Faith: (Stops Dillon) Hold on. I'm going
to have to make this look authentic. (Kisses his lips and then his neck
and messes up his hair) (Pounding) Hold on, all right! Yourtiming really
sucks for God's sake! (Runs over to the bed and lies down) (Whispers)
Oh, and this is your chance to prove how much you love Georgie.
(Dillon hesitates for a second but then opens the door. Mac walks in
and looks at Dillon and then Faith)
Mac: Well, what do we have here?
(Georgie runs up, scared for Dillon and sees Faith on the bed and Dillon
in a tank top and Dillon looks at her, his heart breaking)
Georgie, what the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay put.
Georgie: (Crying) I couldn't, all right?
I had to make sure Dillon was OK
Mac: He seems to be doing just fine.
Georgie: (Still crying) This isn't what
it looks like, right, Dillon? You would never, ever be with this woman.
Faith: Think, Georgie. This isn't the first
time you've walked in on us. That night was the beginning, actually,
when Dillon and I realized how much we had in common. We've been meeting
here on a regular basis ever since.
Georgie: No. You're a lying whore!
Faith: My goodness. Out of such a pretty
little mouth. Is this an example of your parenting skills?
Mac: You're relationship with Dillon is
your business (Georgie looks at Dillon still crying) we're here in the
connection with the hit-and-run of Elizabeth Webber. (Dillon can't look
at Georgie)
Faith: Hmm. Then ask all the questions
you want but I'm afraid your little daughter won't like my answers.
You see, I couldn't possibly have been involved in Elizabeth's latest
calamity because I was right here, in bed, with Dillon.
Georgie: (Moves closer to Dillon) Will
you say something? Tell them she's lying!
Dillon: (Not looking at Georgie) I can't.
It's true.
(Faith walks in with Mac, Andy, Georgie and Dillon)
Scott: Speak of the devil.
(Ric turns and sees Faith and grabs her arm)
Ric: You psycho bitch, you tried to kill
my wife again, and then you tried to set me up.
Faith: God, no I didn't.
Ric: Oh, am I supposed to believe that?
Faith: If you would use your brain for
something other than thinking of a million different ways to insult
me, you would realize that it doesn't make any sense. I had what I wanted.
You were sleeping with me. Why would I try to kill irrelevant
Ric: Shut up.
Faith: Huh? Why?
Ric: Keep your voice down.
Faith: Think about it. God, why would I
try to pin it on you? I have no reason!
Ric: If I find out that you had anything
to do with it. I will kill you. (Leaves)
(Scott walks up to Faith)
Georgie: None of this makes any sense.
You couldn't have been with Faith the night Elizabeth was hit because
you were with me. I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me that
you slept with that woman and that you've been lying to me this entire
Dillon: (Not looking at her) I wouldn't
call it lying.
Georgie: In my eyes, Dillon.
Dillon: (looks into Georgie's eyes and
breaks) She made me say it. I had to say it, all right?
Georgie: No. No. Please, tell me why.
Dillon: Because...I can't...I can't tell
you why. All right? Because then you're going to go to Mac and that's
a risk I can't take right now.
Georgie: But..
Dillon: All right, just trust me.
Georgie: But Faith is forcing you to give
her an alibi. Dillon you could get into a lot of trouble for that. Why
would you even consider letting her get away with that? What's she holding
over you? (Dillon looks at her)
I have to say what Faith wants me to say. There's...
Georgie: No, you don't. We...we can fight
Faith. I am not going to stand around and watch her trash your life.
Dillon: Georgie, you don't understand.
Faith is so much more dangerous that you think that she is.
Andy: Dillon, I need you to sign your statement.
Georgie: Wait. Just...wait. (Runs over
to Mac) Dillon is lying. I don't know why but he just told me he never
slept with Faith. She's forcing him to say it somehow.
Mac: You sure about that?
Georgie: Please trust me on this. Dillon
wouldn't lie to me and he just proved that.
(Faith and Scott walk out of the interrogation room)
Scott: Hey Faithy don't leave town
Mac: Faith's not going anywhere.
Faith: I already told you what happened.
Mac: Yeah but you left out the part about
coercing Dillon into providing your alibi.
(Dillon's shaking his head no)
Faith: (starts heading back to the interrogation
room but stops by Dillon) Enjoy your little girlfriend while you can.
(Whispers) Her days are numbered.
Dillon: No...(looks scared)