3, 2003
Hospital - Emily's Room]
(All the Quartermaines are standing around Emily's bed after she's woken
up. Georgie and Dillon walk in)
Monica: Well, Em your fever has broken
and all your vital signs are up.
Ned: Thank God.
AJ: Yeah you beat the odds, Em.
Edward: Of course she did, she's a Quartermaine.
Alan: You're not out of the woods yet but
it's really encouraging. Somebody's prayers were answered.
Ned: That would be me.
Edward: No, and me.
Emily: See you all can agree on something.
Monica: So you would all agree on getting
out now because she needs to rest. Ok? Out. Out. Out.
Georgie: Bye Emily
Dillon: Bye guys
(They both leave)
Ned: Bye-bye
Alan: We'll be close by if you need us
Emily: Thanks dad
Edward: We love you, dearie.
Emily: I love you too
(Alan, Monica, Ned and Edward leave)
(Zander climbs onto the bed next to her)
Zander: I knew you'd make it. I just...I
just knew
Emily: thank you for believing when I couldn't,
Maxie & Georgie are by Emily's bedside)
Georgie: I think its so romantic how you
asked her to marry you, then you got married in the same night.
Maxie: Yeah, so where are you guys going
to do for your honeymoon?
Emily: Venice. I've always dreamed of going
there on my honeymoon. The gondolas and the misty lights and the carnivals.
Zander: Some day. I promise.
Maxie: Well, hey, we should probably leave
them be.
Georgie: Yeah good idea (stands up)
Emily: Thanks for coming by
Dillon: Take it easy, guys.
Georgie: Hey, no problem. See you later.
Maxie: Bye.
(Dillon, Maxie & Georgie leave and walk out into the hall)
Maxie: I think its great how they're being
so positive about everything, you know?
Georgie: I just can't wait til they go
to Venice. It's going to be so romantic
Dillon: You guys ever seen "It's A
Wonderful Life"?
Maxie: What does a Christmas move have
to do with anything?
Dillon: Come with me, maybe you'll find
out. (Leads the way) Come on, help me with this.
(Georgie and Maxie laugh and follow him)
just left after welcoming Zander to the family)
Zander: (Sits on bed next to Emily) How
you feeling?
Emily: Better by the minute
Dillon: (Singing in an Italian accent)
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie. That's amore. 
Emily: (Surprised) Oh, my God. What is
Gia: I don't know. (Looks out the door)
Georgie: That's amore
Gia: You definitely don't have to worry
it's definitely not angels singing.
(Zander and Emily laugh)
Zander: What is this? (Dillon, Georgie
& Maxie with the help of some doctors roll in a bed dressed up like
a gondola. Dillon has a hat on and is using a crutch as an oar) Oh my
(Dillon singing)
(Emily and Zander laugh)
Gia: Listen to that.
Georgie: Hi!
Dillon: (To Zander and Emily with an Italian
accent) How are you doing? Why don't you get up here and we're going
to take you for a gondola ride for your...for your...your thing, you
know, your honeymoon. Get up here! Come on, what I tell you? Get up
Edward: You know when Emily is fully recovered,
I want to plan a big wedding reception.
Monica: Well, fine we'll ask Emily who
she'll like to invite.
Edward: Well, we'll draw up our own guest
list of course.
Ned: Grandfather, the cream of Port Charles
society probably isn't Emily's idea of a warm and loving gathering.
Edward: I want to show off my granddaughter.
What's so wrong with that, huh?
(Dillon sings as they all wheel the "gondola" with Emily and
Zander on it onto the elevator. Dillon has a just married sign on his
Dillon: (Singing in an Italian accent)
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, t hat's amore. La-la-la-la.
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's
amore. Da-da-dee-da-da-da-da-da-da. Ting-a-ling. Ting-a-ling-a-ling
and the telephone will ring, that's amore.
(Everyone's shocked)
Edward: The first one who admits that he
just saw that has to go deal with it.
Monica: I think we should have hors'doeuvers
and a buffet.
Alan: And a cake
Ned: A full band
AJ: That's right. Em loves to dance
Edward: Um...
Emily's Room]
(Dillon hums "That's Amore")
Maxie: Right here. Right here. Whoops
Dillon: Last stop honeymoon suite.
Zander: (gets off "gondola")
Georgie: Are you ready?
Zander: (Starts to go to pick Emily up
but stops and grabs the IV and gives it to Georgie) Oh, here.
Georgie: Oh that's right. (Takes it) Thank
Zander: Thank you.
Georgie: Thank you.
(Zander picks Emily up)
Maxie: Ready? And surprise! (Opens door
to reveal Emily's room redecorated to resemble a room in Venice)
Zander: (walks in with Emily in his arms)
Oh my...
Dillon: You couldn't go to Venice, so we
brought Venice to you.
Zander: Oh my God.
Maxie: So what do you think?
Emily: I...I love it. Who would've guessed
a hospital room could look so...
Maxie: Touristy?
(Dillon hits Maxie on the head)
Emily: No, it's beautiful and romantic
and exotic
Zander: You guys are amazing. Where'd you
get all this stuff?
Maxie: We're some good shoppers
Georgie: Yeah, that, and we raided the
high school drama department
(Zander sets Emily down on the bed)
Dillon: So, do you guys need anything else
Zander: Privacy.
Georgie: You...
Dillon: Ah! (Starts singing again with
Italian accent) When the moon hits your eye like a big...
(Door closes)
Zander: Happy honeymoon, wife.
Emily: Same to you, husband.
(They kiss)
(Dillon hums "That's Amore")
Maxie: Oh, OK you know what the neighbor's
cat has a better voice than that.
Dillon: You're just jealous senorita
Maxie: Yeah, and you're just delusional,
OK? (Leaves)
(Dillon hums)
Georgie: You do realize that is the most
romantic thing ever
Dillon: Fantastico is what it was.
Georgie: But do you realize one thing that
would make it better? (Covers his mouth with her hand) Stop singing.
(Kisses him)
Dillon: (Normal voice, against her lips)
That's amore (Georgie giggles and he kisses her again. She wraps her
arms around his neck)