2, 2003
Lorenzo: Where are you off to this fine
evening? Taking your girlfriend out to celebrate your new job at E.L.Q.?
Dillon: Well, I think everyday you wake
up is a celebration.
Lorenzo: That's true.
Dillon: Unfortunately, ours will have to
wait til the end of the week, so...
Lorenzo: Right...those ridiculous pay schedules.
What did you draw? Every other Friday? Or the 1st and the 15th?
Dillon: Hey Friday's rule man
Lorenzo: (reaches in pocket and pulls out
wallet) Well, I don't believe in postponing celebrations, so (pulls
out a bill) why don't the two of you have a good time on me.
Georgie: Thank you Mr. Alcazar but we could
not possibly take your...
Dillon: (takes the bill) Thank you.
Georgie: Money.
Lorenzo: You're welcome.
Dillon: Thank you.
Lorenzo: Have a good time. (Leaves)
Dillon: (Turns to face Georgie) I don't
care how scary he is that guy is so cool. (Georgie starts walking away,
after noticing something in the water) Actually, if we leave now we
can probably catch dinner and then maybe one movie...two movies, actually.
We could see "Casablanca" and...
Georgie: Dillon?
Dillon: I'm thinking maybe "To Have
And Have..."
Georgie: (Louder) Dillon
Dillon: What? What's wrong?
Georgie: What does that look like to you?
(Dillon walks up behind Georgie)
Dillon: Oh, no way.
Georgie: Yeah, that was my first thought,
Dillon: It's a body.
(Dillon & Georgie walk in)
Andy: Hey Georgie. You looking for your
Georgie: Yeah is he around?
Andy: No, Mac's out on a case. Anything
I can do?
Dillon: Can we just talk to the commissioner
Georgie: We saw a dead body.
Andy: Where?
Dillon: The tip of the Elm Street pier,
(Scott walks up)
Scott: Did you recognize the body?
Georgie: No, I didn't.
Scott: What about you, young Quartermaine?
Dillon: No. I don't know the guy, ok? I
mean, it might have been one of the guys that jumped Courtney.
Scott: Courtney was jumped? (To Andy) Did
you know this?
Andy: Its the first time I'm hearing about
it boss. But I got a call about another body that washed up on the shore
about a mile off the pier.
Scott: Get a statement and get a polaroid
of these stiffs, possible i.d. huh?
Andy: Yeah. You got it. (To Dillon and
Georgie) Come on guys
(They all walk off)
and Dillon are sitting down when Sonny walks into the PCPD. They listen
to Alcazar and Sonny talk)
and Georgie are now standing up by Scott across from Lorenzo and Sonny)
Scott: I think everybody knows everybody
Sonny: Can we get to the point? I'm losing
patience here.
Scott: Well these watchful young citizens
were the ones who reported the stiff floating in the harbor, we call
murder victim one.
Lorenzo: Nice catch, so to speak
Scott: Hey, that's funny. How bout this...Dillon
was able to identify the two floaters as the guys that attacked Courtney,
and they work for you, so you're my catch.
Lorenzo: That is an unsubstainated rumor.
Scott: Hmm. (To Dillon and Georgie) Hey,
rack your minds there. Can you connect the victims to these two at all?
Georgie: No.
Dillon: Never.
Scott: Think about it, Quartermaine.
Dillon: I already told you no.
Sonny: OK, you know what? You're wasting
everybody's time here. I had nothing to do with the death of these people,
so if you want to ask me some questions, call my attorney. (Leaves)
Lorenzo: Goes for me as well. (Leaves)
Scott: (To Dillon and Georgie)
to love them, huh?