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August 13, 2003

[General Hospital]
(Faith walks up to a room with the name William Bentley by the door and purposely bumps into Georgie, who's in front of the door with the book cart)
Faith: Would you watch where you are going?
Georgie: What are you doing here?
Faith: Looking for your little boyfriend. Where is the stud?
Georgie: Why don't you just stay away from Dillon?
Faith: No need to get possessive. Just here to see a patient (looks at sign) Mr. Bentley.
Georgie: (Looks at the sign and then back at her) But that room's only.
Faith: Oh, that's ok, honey. I'm closer than family. I've been in bed with the guy. (Faith walks into the room)

[By The Nurse's Station]
(Georgie's helping a patient to a chair)
Georgie: You room's almost ready. In the meantime, I'll get you some magazines, ok? All right. Just have a seat.
(Patient sits, Maxie walks up and Georgie walks over to her)
Maxie: I know I'm late, ok. Don't start.
Georgie: It's ok.
Maxie: I took forever to get a table at Kelly's and I got in at like 3 in the morning
Georgie: I told Mac you were asleep by 10.
Maxie: You covered for me?
Georgie: Forget it. (Walks around her and over to some magazines on the counter)
Maxie: Well, do you want me to start making rounds with the book cart?
Georgie: I can do it. Can you take these magazines to Kate?
Maxie: (turns to look at Kate) Yeah, is she new? (Takes magazines)
Georgie: Yeah, she just transferred.
Maxie: What's wrong with her?
Georgie: She's waiting for a heart transplant.
(Maxie looks at Georgie)

(Maxie's talking to Kate)
Maxie: Look, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, Kate.
Kate: You couldn't be. Look at you, you're so healthy and you're beautiful.
Maxie: The thing is, Kate, it's much better to live than die. The heart that you're gonna lose has gotten you this far but the one you're gonna get is just as much a part of you.
Kate: It's so bizarre, talking about body parts like mechanical pieces.
Maxie: It's okay to think that, but it won't...don't feel like you're some monster being put together by doctors, because your...your Kate just upgraded. There's one more thing I should tell you.
Kate: What?
Maxie: You're gonna feel weird sometime. I mean, you've gone through something most kids can't connect with. But don't...don't try to defreak yourself by acting like someone you're not, no matter who to impress.
(Georgie walks up)
Georgie: Kate, um, your room's ready.
Kate: (Still looking at Maxie) Your sister's pretty great, Georgie.
Georgie: (Looks at Maxie: Yeah. I think so too. Come on. Let's get out of here. (Helps her up and leaves with her)