11, 2003
Maxie: You actually had sex with Dillon?
Georgie: Why are you so shocked? I mean,
you couldn't wait to lose your virginity to Kyle.
Maxie: So you did it because of me?
Georgie: God, no, Maxie! Not everything
I do is about you! I mean, I had sex with Dillon because...because maybe
I wanted to! (Starts to put the drawer back in her dresser and putting
the clothes on the floor back in the drawer)
Maxie: So what happened to all your dopey
talk about love and romance, Georgie? And waiting for the exact right
second? (Sits down) Instead you knock it off right here at home with
some guy you barely know. Who splits teh moment that he's finished.
Georgie: You know what, Maxie? (Sands up)
If you had a clue, you'd be dangerous.
Maxie: (Stands up) No. I guess Dillon's
just not so special after all. He's just like any other jerk out there
looking to score. Did he even bother to use protection, Georgie, or
did he put you at risk for...
Georgie: Thanks to you Dillon's the one
at risk, right now trying to save your sorry butt.
Alan: Hand over the pain killers.
Dillon: (Gives Alan the pills) I was just
putting them back.
Alan: (Takes the pills and puts them back
on the med cart) How did you happen to be in possession of Hydrocodone
in the first place?
Dillon: You know, I thought it was asprin.
I got a really bad headache all day...
Alan: You can buy asprin over-the-counter
at any convient store. If you're stealing from the hospital, you've
got more than just a headache. You've got some kind of addiction.
Georgie: When did you become so completely
self-absorbed? Don't you get it? If Dillon gets in some brawl with Kyle
or gets caught returning your stolen drugs, Mac will send him
to juvie...if the Quartermaines don't ship him off to military school
first? Because no amount of explaining will ever, ever, ever convince
anyone that you're the total screwup and Dillon is just trying
to clean up your mess!
Maxie: Um, did I miss the part where I
asked him to, Georgie? Dillon's an idiot! He never should've gotten
Georgie: You cluless moron! Dillon is involved
because you're my sister!
Alan: Let me tell you something. There
are some families who have a predisposition for substance abuse, and
the Quartermaines are a prime example. For God's sake, AJ was abusing
alcohol when he was younger than you are and it was because of that
abuse he drove Jason's head straight into a tree. And me? My drug of
choice was Hydrocodone. Because of that drug, it destroyed what I had
worked my entire life marriage, my career.
Dillon: I'm sorry to hear that but I don't
have a problem.
Alan: Well that's what I thought at first.
Dillon: No, I'm serious. I really don't
have a problem. I mean, I'm not addicted to anything.
Alan: Then you must have a hell of a headache.
Dillon: Ok, ok yeah I know, that was lame,
but the truth is it's not my story to tell. And besides that, it's boring.
Alan: Believe me, I won't be bored. But
let me guess what your story is. Narcissistic mother ignores teenage
son then drops him with a family that could care less.. And then teenage
son tries to ease his pain and loneliness with recreational drugs.
Dillon: You really don't get it, do you?
I just told you that I don't have a drug problem and already you're
blaming my mother? Man, you don't get me any better than the rest of
the Quartermaines, do you? And the last thing I need is some long, drawn-out,
pompous anti-drug lecture when I don't have a problem with drugs and
I never had.
Alan: Boy are you in denial.
Georgie: Dillon's been gone way too long.
What if he got arrested again?
Maxie: you know what I don't get, Georgie,
is why did he get out of bed in the first place?
Georgie: Excellent question, Maxie. But
why did I let him? I mean, if you don't give a dam about your life,
why should we, right?
Maxie: You know what I don't understand,
Georgie, is I mean, you're in bed with the guy that you're just absolutely
crazy about, making love for your first time, right? And your sister
walks in completely buzzing out of her mind rambling about some shirt.
And instead of kicking me out and going on with the most romantic night
of your life, you send your boyfriend charging off to save a stupid
job that I could really care less about. Was your first time, like,
really not all that great, Georgie?
Georgie: It was wonderful, it was perfect,
it was everything I hoped for and more.
Maxie: You never answered my question.
Did Dillon bring protection or did you just happen to have a supply
of condoms up here?
Georgie: None of your business. I"m
not going to discuss my sex life with you.
Maxie: Give it up, Georgie, there's nothing
to discuss, ok? You and Dillon never had sex. You're still a virgin.
(Knock at the door and Dillon walks in) 
Georgie: (Walks over to him) Dillon. Thank
God. Are you ok?
Dillon: (Takes her arm and moves her to
the side) Yeah. Um...
Georgie: What?
Dillon: Well, I...I went to Kyle and got
the drugs
Georgie: Did you fight?
Dillon: Yes, but it was fairly unchallenging,
considering (more to Maxie than Georgie) he was stoned out of his
Georgie: Well,
wait a minute what about the pills?
Dillon: What about the pills? I took them
to General Hospital
Georgie: Great.
Dillon: And I almost got away with it
Georgie: "Almost"?
Dillon: Well my Uncle Alan stopped me at
the med cart
Georgie: Oh no.
Dillon: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh and it gets
worse too. (Counts off on his fingers) First, we had a bonding session
and then an anti-drug lecture, and then he made me take a full physical
with poking and prodding and blood samples and everything while he checked
for track marks!
Georgie: Dillon I am so sorry.
Dillon: Oh, it's ok. It's for a good cause,
Georgie: I'm not so sure about that.
Maxie: What were you trying to prove anyway,
Dillon: I'm sorry..."prove"?
(Maxie nods)
Georgie: (Looks at Maxie) Maxie what are
you trying to prove? Running wild, doing drugs, drinking? I mean,
are you too cool to care if your anti-rejection drugs stop working and
your body rejects BJ's heart? What about that?
Dillon: What is that supposed to mean?
Maxie: You didn't know? You must be, like,
the only one in town.
Dillon: Well, I mean, I knew you were,
like, sick when you were little.
Maxie: Oh, it's much more than sick, Dillon.
I'm a freaking medical miracle, walking around with another girl's heart.
Georgie: Maxie, I'm really sorry...
Maxie: (Tearful) A sweet...a sweet little
saint of a girl. This girl who would've grown up to be this amazing
person. Isn't that just hilarious, the worse joke that you
guys have heard? (To Georgie) Do you have any idea how sick I am trying
to live up to BJ's heart, Georgie? Do you have any idea how heavy it
is, or how loud it beats?
Georgie: Maxie, I am so sorry...
(Maxie walks over to where Dillon is standing and stands behind him
causing Dillon and Georgie to turn and look at her)
Maxie: (To Dillon) (Crying) See, I was
supposed to die, but my cousin died instead. Her name was BJ. She was
my best friend. She had a ballet recital the last night that she was
alive. And the next morning on her way to school, her school van was...was
hit by a drunk driver. And her parents decided to give me her heart.
I didn't ask for it. But they gave it to me. I even tried to erase it!
I convinced my mom to let me have plastic surgery in Dallas to cover
the scar! Anyone else would've worn that proudly, but not me! Do you
see what an awful person I am? BJ died! And...she should've been the
one that lived, and I should've died! But just like everything else
in my life, it got all screwed up and now BJ's dead and I'm stuck with
a heart that I'm not worthy of! (Starts to head for the door)
Georgie: Maxie...
Maxie: (Opens the door) No...(Leaves)
I can't believe I was so insensitive (sits on bed) My only excuse for
that...and it's not even a very good one is that I had no
idea she was keeping all those feeling bottled up.
Dillon: How are you supposed to know if
she didn't tell you? It's not your ob to read Maxie's mind. Well, in
any case, I get it now. (Sits down next to her)
Georgie: What?
Dillon: Why everybody treats Maxie like
she's so special, even though she's screwing up half the time, and then
you get lost in the shuffle. That's not fair. You know, you're the special
Georgie: Yeah. (Stands up) Did you see
my special talents at work just now? I handled Maxie all wrong (Turns
to face him)
Dillon: It's not your job to handle Maxie,
Georgie. I mean, shouldn't she be responsible for herself one in a while?
Georgie: Obviously she's in a lot of pain...
Dillon: Isn't everybody? Look, I'm not...(stands
up and walks over to her) I'm not trying to bag on your sister or anything
like that. Ok? I'm not. But, you know, there are a whole lot of things
in Maxie's life that she hasn't learnted to appreciate yet and you're
one of them. Man, I don't want to fall into that loop. So I'll just...I'll
come right out and say it.'re special to me. Oh, hell, I'm...I'm
so lucky just to know you.
(They kiss)